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Configuring the Number of Wake on WAN Proxies per Broadcast Domain


By default, the Surveyor designates two Wake on WAN proxies per broadcast domain, a primary and secondary. You can use the server settings page to change the number assigned within each broadcast domain. Follow through this article for the step-by-step guide.

Note: This information assumes that you are familiar with Wake on WAN, and it applies only to policies in which you enabled this feature. For more information, refer to the section, "About Wake on WAN" in the Surveyor 6 administrator guide.


  1. In the Surveyor Administrator console, click System Settings on the Configure  menu.

  2. Under Server Settings, use the arrows or enter a value for Number of computers to keep awake as Wake on WAN proxies.

    NOTE: Two proxies per broadcast domain is the recommended minimum. This ensures that a secondary proxy can take over if the primary proxy becomes unavailable. If your environment includes broadcast domains with fewer than six devices, work with a professional services consultant to determine the best settings for your environment.

  3. If you increase the number of proxies per broadcast domain, save the new settings. You do not need to complete the remaining steps. Surveyor selects the additional proxies based on its built-in selection criteria, as well as Preferred Proxy settings that you can set on individual clients.

    On the other hand, if you reduce the number of proxies, complete the remaining steps to change the settings on the clients that you want to clear of proxy status.

  4. In the Administrator console, click the Search button.

  5. On the Search tab, use the By Subnets filter and specify the subnets to display.

  6. In the device view, make sure the Wake on WAN Proxy column is displayed. If it isn’t, click Customize View, and select it on the Troubleshooting tab. After you display the column, you can drag it to the left, so you don’t have to scroll to see it.

  7. Click the Wake on WAN Proxy column heading once or twice to sort the display with the proxies listed at the top.

  8. Determine which of the proxies you want to run as standard devices and select them (that is the transition to low power states according to policies assigned to them).

  9. In the Item Actions drop-down menu, click Edit Device Properties.

  10. For Preferred Wake on WAN proxy, select Never. After you change the setting, a polling interval set on proxies can take them up to 15 minutes to receive the change from the server.

  11. When all of the devices you selected are cleared of proxy status, you can then set the Preferred Wake on WAN proxy setting on any of them to Preferred or Default, so that they can be returned to the pool of devices that are available for proxy selection.

For information about Preferred Wake on WAN proxy settings, refer to the article Setting a Client to Be a Preferred Wake on WAN Proxy (6x).

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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