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Deploying the Surveyor Agent on macOS


This article provides an overview and commands for installing the Surveyor Agent package (SurveyorAgent.pkg) and updating the serverconfig file using a Perl script. You can use these steps in the command line or within a customized installation script.

Note: The SurveyorAgent.pkg can be installed on Mac OS X 10.5 and later versions. The script runs only on Mac OS X 10.6 and later versions.


The process consists of 2 major steps: adjusting the default install file in order to include the Verdiem server URL and using the resulting package to deploy the agent in the macOS machines.

  1. Copy the and the SurveyorAgent.pkg into one of the macOS machines
  2. Assuming that you copied the 2 above files on the Mac machine in the Downloads folder, you would need to open macOS Terminal and run the below command:
    sudo perl ~/Downloads/ --hostname yourservername --package ~/Downloads/SurveyorAgent.pkg
    • Make sure to replace yourservername with the hostname of the Surveyor server and /Downloads with the actual location where you copied the files from step 1.
    • This command will adjust the default SurveyorAgent.pkg to include the Surveyor server in the config file, for easy deployment
  3. The resulting SurveyorAgent.pkg can be copied over to any macOS machine where you want to install it, and the actual installation is done using the below command, making sure to substitute /Downloads with the actual location of the file in each macOS device:
    sudo installer -pkg ~/Downloads/SurveyorAgent.pkg -target /

In cases where the manual configuration of the client serverconfig file is required (post deployment on a macOS machine), follow these steps:

  1. Stop the daemon. At the command line, type the following command: 
    sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.verdiem.pwrmgrdaemon.plist
  1. Edit the hostname in the serverconfig file located at /Library/Application Support/Verdiem/Data (it requires sudo). The codepage (UTF-8) must be respected for the serverconfig file.
  2. Restart the daemon using the following command:
    sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.verdiem.pwrmgrdaemon.plist



This article provides a step-by-step guide to for deploying the Verdiem Surveyor Agent on macOS machines, along with steps for adjusting the Surveyor Agent serverconfig file post-deployment.


  1. Why am I getting the 'Error: installer package file not found at /Users/Admin/Downloads/ line 106.' when running the Perl script?
    The above error is encountered when the SurveyorAgent.pkg does not exist or the path to it is incorrect. Make sure that the pkg file is also copied over to the device where you run the Perl script from, and that the path in the command execution is correct.
  2. How do I know that the Perl script executed successfully?
    The Perl script is recompiling the .pkg file, and while there is no explicit SUCCESS message displayed, a successful execution will return the number of compiled blocks, like below:
  3. Can I make edits to the serveconfig file post-install?
    Yes, you would first need to stop the Surveyor daemon, and then go to /Library/Application Support/Verdiem/Data and make desired adjustments.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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