Overview This article describes the steps to configure the Windows Firewall to give web components access to the server. Resolution If you use Surveyor components to access the server through HyperTe...
Overview This article provides relevant information regarding client distributions, and provide steps to confirm Windows-based clients are running properly. Information If you installed the client a...
Overview To license devices, you obtain a license file from your Verdiem representative and then activate it through the Administrator Console. This article describes the process to add or remove a li...
Overview After you install the client agent, you license the devices in your system. The articles in this referenced in this article further explain each of the process users needs to perform. Informa...
Overview This topic provides an overview of the license file, license types, and viewing license information in the Administrator console. Information How the license file works Device licenses are st...
Overview This article provides instructions to determine if a Mac client is connected to the Surveyor server. Process Determine that the client agent is installed and running: In the Mac client, navig...
Overview This article describes the general steps required to configure the Surveyor 6 client-server communication to use HTTPS. Process To enable HTTPS between the client and the server, make sure to...
Overview When running a command line install, the properties described in this article can be passed in via the /qn switch. Environment Surveyor 6.0.4x and later. Requirements INSTALLDIR and path ...
Overview This article describes the steps required to enable Wake On Magic Packet for Windows 7. To start, make sure you have all the settings for Wake on LAN (Local Area Network) turned on. There are...
Overview While a single Surveyor server can support a large number of devices (100,000+), Surveyor is designed to scale by dividing services among multiple servers. Verdiem’s recommended configuration...