Surveyor can be installed on a PC that has Deep Freeze (DF) on it. This article describes general consideration to keep in mind when installing Surveyor in a DF machine.
A DF environment that does not have a pre-configured ThawSpace
You need to determine the importance of the Surveyor data. Without a ThawSpace, the client machines will not store reliable data (as the DF environment will always erase any stored data). If you determine that the data is essential, the DF configuration will need to be changed to add a ThawSpace. Surveyor typically requires about 20 MB of free disk storage space for the data. Should it be determined that the data is not essential, then you can install Surveyor in the machine as you would install any software in a DF machine.
A DF environment that does have a ThawSpace
Should there be a ThawSpace available in the DF environment, then Surveyor can be installed.
Priyanka Bhotika