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Deploying the Surveyor 6 Client in a Deep Freeze Environment


This article contains an overview of the steps required to install the Surveyor client agent on computers in a Deep Freeze environment.



Follow the steps below to install the Deep Freeze versions Windows and Mac clients. 

Installing the Windows client with Deep Freeze 7.0

  1. Log in as a Deep Freeze administrator in the client computer.
  2. Thaw the computer.
  3. Create a ThawSpace that will encompass all of the executable files in the Surveyor client's Bin directory. You will then need to direct the Surveyor client to use that space for storing its data.
  4. Install the Surveyor client to the ThawSpace. For example.
SurveyorAgentSetup.exe /s /v"/qn INSTALLDIR=\"L:\Program Files\Deep Freeze\Thaw Zone\" INSTALLCERTIFICATE=yes
Msiexec.exe /i [PATH TO Surveyor Agent.msi FILE] /qn
INSTALLDIR="L:\Program Files\Deep Freeze\Thaw Zone\" INSTALLCERTIFICATE=yes
  1. Freeze the computer.

Installing the Windows client with Deep Freeze version 6.x

  1. Log on to the frozen computer as a Deep Freeze administrator.
  2. Thaw the computer.
  3. Install the Surveyor client.
  4. In Deep Freeze, navigate to the Applications tab.
  5. Click Add Application.
  6. Navigate to Surveyor and select it.
  7. Select all of the executable files in the Surveyor client's Bin directory as trusted applications.
  8. Freeze the computer.


Installing the Mac client with Deep Freeze

  1. Log on as a Deep Freeze administrator on the frozen client computer.
  2. Thaw the computer.
  3. Create a ThawSpace that will encompass all of the Surveyor agent package files in a Verdiem directory that you create on the client. You will then need to direct the Surveyor client to use that space for storing its data.
  4. Install the Surveyor Mac client (see Install Surveyor Mac Client).
  5. Copy /Library/Application Support/Verdiem/ and the Data folder to the Thawspace.
  6. Edit /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.verdiem.pwrmgrdaemon.plist to point at/Thawspace/Verdiem.
  7. On the Mac client, open a command window and type the command:
ln –s "/Volumes/Thawspace/Verdiem" "/Library/Application
  1. Freeze the computer.


Installing the Windows client with Deep Freeze version 6.x

  1. Log on to the frozen computer as a Deep Freeze administrator.
  2. Thaw the computer.
  3. Install the Surveyor client.
  4. In Deep Freeze, navigate to the Applications tab.
  5. Click Add Application.
  6. Navigate to Surveyor and select it.
  7. Select all of the executable files in the Surveyor client's Bin directory as trusted applications.
  8. Freeze the computer.

See also

Applies to


  • Verdiem Surveyor 6


  • Client agent
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
