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Confirming Mac Client Connectivity to the Surveyor Server


This article provides instructions to determine if a Mac client is connected to the Surveyor server.


  1. Determine that the client agent is installed and running:

    1. In the Mac client, navigate to Applications > Utilities > Activity Monitor, and verify that PwrMgrDaemon appears in the list of processes running on the computer.
    2. In the Mac client, under the Apple menu > System Preferences... (see the image below), you should see the Surveyor application logo.

  2. Confirm that the client is connected in Surveyor.

    1. In the Devices page of the Surveyor Administrator console, select the groups that contain the Mac clients.
    2. Confirm that the Mac clients appear in the device list and that they each show the following status settings:

      • Last Connected: today's date
      • Licensed: Yes
      • Status Summary: Current
      • Policy Status: Delivered

  • Determine that the client is connected in the Mac console:
    1. In the Mac client, navigate to Applications > Utilities > Console.
    2. In the File menu, click Open Recent, and then select PwrMgrService.log.
Choose files or drag and drop files
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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

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