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Creating an Advertisement to Distribute a Surveyor Windows Client Package


This article outlines the steps to create an advertisement to distribute a Surveyor Windows  Client package. This task is the second phase of distributing the Surveyor Windows Client agent through Configuration Manager. You perform this task after you create the installation package, selecting distribution points, and creating the program that runs the installer.


  1. In the Configuration Manager console, set up the collection of clients that you want to target for the Surveyor Client Agent distribution. You can base the collection on a query or direct membership rules.
  2. Right-click the collection, and select Distribute/Software.
  3. Follow the instructions in the Distribute Software to Collection Wizard:

    1. On the Package page, click on Select an existing package and then Browse. Select the Surveyor installation package you created.
    2. On the Advertise Program page, indicate that you want to advertise a program from this package.
    3. On the Select Program page, click the program you created for this distribution.
    4. On the Advertisement pages, configure the settings for the name, any subcollections to advertise to, and the schedule.
    5. On the Assign Program page, select Yes to assign the program.
    6. Complete the wizard.

After the advertisement goes to the collection, and the installation is completed, you can validate the installation.

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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
